Haha I did the exact same thing except substitute sick with pissed off. Got me for $19/mo but I only have a 36 month loan so its not awful...
Haha I did the exact same thing except substitute sick with pissed off. Got me for $19/mo but I only have a 36 month loan so its not awful...
Counter-point to the second bullet (I agree with the rest), I find single-serving snacks way better for my dieting than large packages. Too often I find myself eating way too much of a large package due to bad portion control. Single-serving snacks take the portion control out of my hands and I can more easily see…
Wish they never got rid of the round grill-fogs.. hence my ‘14
Providence? Terrible location but much closer to me so DO IT!!
My tag makes it obvious, but I DD a 2014 mustang gt. 420 hp, RWD, and with Blizzak WS-80s is a perfect winter car for New England. I’ve never lost traction in any dangerous or worrisome way, and careful driving feels better and safer than any vehicle I’ve been in without winter tires.
“Foote befriended the Marine Crops general who commanded MCAS El Toro at a glider base in the Mojave Desert.”