
I finally resorted to copying the link for each tab to a Word doc, dated for that day, added to the general name of Websites. Then I have a slightly shorter search for the links later. I don't know enough about computers to set this up to happen automatically, though - that would be tab management heaven for me.

Plant your toes firmly on that ledge so you fly straight. News extra: trees take water. Those who have never visited parts of the U.S. besides the East Coast or the South may not be aware that much,  maybe most, of the country is much drier. I’m not inferring deserts here, just grasslands or scrub too dry to grow

Don't forget NFTs. More nothing that costs something. Some paid for in Bitcoin. 

You'd like to "shoo" a Black Angus bull out of your yard? PLEASE let me get video of this event. 

The New Brunswick government won't allow federal scientists to analyze brain samples for a hypothesized disease? When victims' families want it done? What are they thinking? Don't any of these politicians have kids? What are they trying to hide? That's just crazy!

I'm stuck on the concept of finding it exhausting to brush manually two or more times a day. Doctor and/or dentist visits may be in order. 

I'm stuck on the concept of finding it exhausting to brush manually two or more times a day. Doctor and/or dentist

Vitamin C pills, enough to yield an intake of at least 2000 mg of the vitamin, for a person of about 150 pounds weight. Must be taken with at least 8 ounces of water, and taken before falling asleep (or passing out). Absolutely one of the main things that allowed me to graduate from college. It allowed me to function

Would they actually admit it if this were the results of some kind of attack?

Still use my XPS 12. Still love it. Am pretty sure it wouldn't like Windows 11 if I tried it.

Frisco, then.

“...with a whole lot of sheep...” I pity those unknown sailors on the journey.

This obsession with numbers. There’s nothing WRONG with having only 750 legs, or two, or one. The record is mildly cool, but like most records, as was noted - it’s probably temporary.

The perfect, the ONLY town that we should bury nuclear waste beneath:

The length of time a tick is attached in a bite is a known factor in infection rates. Whether the tick is young or older, whether it’s male or female, and the species can also affect whether the bite victims actually get infected with a tick borne disease. This sounds like a pretty promising concept in lessening these

A bit of pain and irritation at a bite is a very small price to pay for avoiding Lyme and possibly other tick-borne diseases. Even nowadays, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, Rocky Mountain fever and other TBDs are nothing to poke fun at.

If one third of humans carry this parasite, I say it's humans spreading it around in the woods! Quit blaming cats, but absolutely do keep pet cats indoors!

Surely a dingo could eat cats and rabbits. Has anyone tracked possible upswings in dingo populations?

Hold the glasses under a light stream of running water, and GENTLY smooth some detergent mixed with water across the lenses, using your just-washed fingers. Dry with a microfiber cloth, and buy extras of those next time you’re near an eyewear display at the discount store. Also helpful, after face grease/dust/makeup

Er, wouldn't it be more logical to put a HEIGHT restrictor in here? A bar, or pole suspended at the ends, like I've seen at the entrance to parking garages? Add a flashing light to it as well, and drivers might actually get the concept. Lucky this isn't in Southern California, because idiots would be lining up to

My sympathy is with the horses. And I’m not understanding the "hoofbeats" concept....zebras have hooves, can they really sound much different than horse hooves?