
Can you guys keep a running list of the companies us plebes need to boycott?

From the extraordinary number of complaints I see online by Jared customers about easily broken pieces and later appraisals revealing flawed, seriously overvalued gems, I don’t think these folks give a shit about being pariahs as long as their getting fistfuls of cash from people who don’t know much about quality

So I work as a gemmologist for a jewellery company, higher end than this, but jewellery nonetheless and my work sees retail level often.
With all the checks and balances of every hand that touches every rock — from criminal to personal—and then the overall defensiveness of the industry to higher security measures

This is what happens when you open a box of Pandora.

Every kiss begins with Kay, and every unwanted touch comes from Trump.

Whenever I hear advertising for Jared’s I think of Jared Fogle

It happened to me about fifteen years ago. I pummeled the dude and then reported it (he was a coworker). Shocker: I was told it was my flirtatious behavior that invited it.

When I was a young teen a fellow teen got on his knees and put his face in my crotch and said “pussy smells good”. I slapped the shit out of him he then defended himself saying he was joking.

You sound young. I mean, I *hope* that’s what happens - that you kick their ass. But what happened to me (when I got grabbed by the pussy, both times on a crowded train in Chicago) was that I was shocked and surprised and in awe that it happened at all, and then I moved away as best I could because WTF just happened

Yeah, I have to say, the thing that most stuck out about that article was where she said she’d punch him if he did that again.

I’m a dude who fully supports any nut kicking, kneeing, punching, or striking with random objects in response to your pussy having been grabbed. I’m in my fourties and I don’t understand show anyone thinks grabbing a woman by the pussy, ass, or breasts is in any way acceptable. I mean in ANY WAY. Massaging a woman’s

You are too kind. Why would you even leave him his balls in the first place?

And if she doesn’t fight back, she clearly wanted it.

I’ll throw $5 into the Jezebel Commentariat Bail Fund for you if you’ll throw $5 in for someone else when her time comes.

Apparently there was only ever a veneer of respect for fellow humans, while secretly a vast number of Americans was just dying to run around grabbing women’s crotches as they saw fit. Those of us who actually believed in treating humans as .... humans ... just weren’t in on the joke, apparently.

Well if its any consolation, at least he probably won’t have any medical insurance to pay for said medical attention....

I mean, in this hypothetical scenario I was so clearly asking for it, so how unfair to hurt the man that was only following my signals, like being within fifty feet of him while in possession of a pussy. Let’s keep in mind who the REAL victims are.


Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.

First man that grabs my pussy will hAve to seek medical attention in order to retrieve his balls from his throat, which is where their final resting place will be from me kicking them so hard.