Australian Kerouac = Kangerouac
Australian Kerouac = Kangerouac
...the first GM Cruise self-driving car...won’t have a steering wheel or pedals.
I still stand by my idea of a Singer VW Bug.
This sounds like the first verse of a Journey song.
Neutral: I have a car, and I have a truck.
Yars Revenge or GTFO.
Damnit. Your joke is better than mine.
If your Sony car dies, does that make it a Walkman?
“Look At Other People’s Blindspot Warnings In Traffic”
Solid bodywork is for plebs. I’ll be cruising around in this wicker-bodied Voisin C11.
Former Green Beret Highly Skilled at Difficult Extractions
They’d never get their own dealers to buy in on this. The biggest hindrance that HD has to change and renewal is their own dealers. They are assholes who actively deride the customer base. And the old guys seem to lap it up, because... I have no idea because why, but they do. It turns new customers off though, even…
Torch in the near future reading his VW repair manual.
We’d like to promptly announce we are pulling all operations out of Washington state. - BMW.
Obviously us Canadians are running the place now.
What stops someone from doing that? Common courtesy.
Your Morgan was made with wood too. Truly the ultimate Jalop.
The $35,000.00 Model 3