
Susan Sarandon is not influential enough for her opinion to have that great of an effect. If you want to thank someone for Trump, thank the DNC that pushed Bernie out of the primary.

Why is that a curse? You say that like it’s a curse.

I agree 100%. They should be arrested or fined. But as far as I know, death is not a typical sentence for blocking traffic. TearGas and Rubber Bullets are not typical enforcement tactics. Getting out of your truck, arresting and moving the single unarmed protester in front of you is a good start though.

I’m a white guy so I very well may not get it. I’m disgusted by it for sure but in cases like this, why not call the cops yourself and complain about Karen’s actions? She is making false statements and harassing the shit out of you (All Karen’s/multiple people of color). You have as much right to sit, bird watch, jog

Why not just call the police on the asshole blocking the road?

“He said something I don’t like. Punish him!!” the battle cry of preschoolers everywhere.

For your job, rebuilding it will be a dozen or so articles. So there is that.

Has the oil pan been replaced? They have a bad habit of rusting through.

You are coming off as pretty defensive here. They are not painting all diesel owners as pollution bros. Just the pollution bros.

As a home owner that does a fair amount of his own home repairs and a fair amount of gardening, I would love a small truck that doesn’t break the bank. I can’t load a yard of compost in an SUV/Hatchback. I can’t load a new washer / dryer into a SUV/Hatchback.

Any chance this will play the carts? I still have a couple of those cards lying about.

They are all air fryers. Some have additional features like pressure cooking or toast/roast.

They are all air fryers. Some have additional features like pressure cooking or toast/roast.

That is a lot of money for a convertible Mustang.

There were times that I almost thought the Master was actually trying to lure the Cibermen to Gallifrey to end them. “Oh that particle ends all?” “Oh you have the Cyberium? Good....”

Any animal can fly with enough wings.

That may be true, we haven’t seen much work from her since Heroes.

30% in an early primary is good, there were tons of people on the ballet in NH, not just the top 5. To be fair, the top three are the only ones with a chance to win now unless Joe is correct about the South or the public is dumb enough to elect Bloomberg’s bank account. You will soon start to see more people drop out

I don’t get why people keep comparing her to Warren. Bernie is Warren’s opponent. Klob is Mayor Pete’s opponent. Between those two sides, we have to choose between a progressive and a moderate candidate for president. I personally don’t like Warren all that much but I’m shocked at her fall.

Not true. First off, this is unlikely at this time to be any manufacture other than Tesla due to the nature of this event.

Didn’t he play bass for Zeppelin?