
All new car tail lights are horrible. The law says that they must have 15w bulbs. But that was for incandescent bulbs. A 15w LED bulb will be 10x brighter than the incandescent. Because of this, sitting behind a new Audi at 9PM at a stoplight will blind you.

Ditto. Looking forward to this one. Especially “Burial at Sea”

Why not? If the engine is solid, strong and light with more power than other options, why not use it? Do you feel the need to use special currency when buying high ticket items? A motor is a motor, a dollar is a dollar.

Yea, during the Me Too launch. There was a public outcry of “People change, look at him now.” in response.

Na, fangirls (and boys) love a villain.

Didn’t they initially plan on killing off Poe in Force Awakens?

There were a few moments where it felt like Doctor Who. But it was the worst of the ‘statement’ episodes I’ve seen. Sometimes they have a message to deliver and it is done well. Sometimes it’s a tad heavy handed but the ‘camp’ in Doctor Who covers for that. This time they presented a point of view I agree with in such

I am so freaking confused. I could have sworn that last season was the finale and I was actually happy with the last episode.

Curious, I’ve never heard the term ‘the third wall’ because turning and talking directly to the audience is called ‘breaking the forth wall’ Is the ‘third wall’ the crew / directors? I just assumed it was more ‘forth wall’ stuff but it would make some sense.

I love watching him rebuild that lawn mower. I must have watched that 1/2 a dozen times now.

1) Please quote source and numbers. I have yet to see a single metric that Trump beats Obama beyond ‘acceptance from republican voters’.

Mr Robot and Barry were robbed.

Punch Drunk Love.

I don’t care what the actors or directors have said, we all know what he means by ‘real coffee’. She knows too. Those are not the looks siblings exchange over coffee.

It’s fairly normal for creatives. We are our own worst critics. Even in engineering side. I probably review designs 10x more than I need to before release. We are our own worse critics. But if you are ever going to get better, you have to be self critical. Even the painting’s I’ve done that I love have flaws and I

There show was a breath of fresh air I didn’t know I needed until I inhaled.

I’m pretty sure Dan isn’t the person that is going to be doing the suing. The contestants that originally complained and were basically ignored are the ones that are going to be suing.

I look at it as access to a library. I love the Marvel movies and Star Wars. A few disney films too. For $70 a year, the price of 3 4k movies, I have an entire library at my finger tips. Worth it to me.

The lack of background daemons didn’t bother me because I haven’t read the books. My roommate has and was shocked when I asked her why all the humans didn’t have daemons. “They do.”she says. “So where are they?” said I... That’s the only bit that bothers me about it.