
If they can pull off “So he’s a bird now”, they can fit in as much Lana as they want. And yea, I miss having her on screen.

I’m really starting to think that it may all be swept under the rug somehow. The whole Clinton trial and investigation split this country in half and it never really recovered. This one, no matter how the cards fall, is likely to shatter it. I haven’t seen this level of division or hatred in the 50 years I’ve walked

I remember watching it on a 13" black and white TV while my mother ironed. I was 4 or 5 years old I think. I was playing with wooden blocks and mom said “Remember this. This will be history.”

So close to 100% agreeing with you. But I want here to become a full blown pot head and Snoop’s wife without changing another thing about her. I love the contradictions of them being embraced in their love.


I had a 98' for years. Loved that truck. I’m thinking if this was @ $5,000 less and a manual I would probably be looking to see how far I’d have to travel to get it.

I love the series and chose that episode to introduce a friend of mine to the series. It is a deeply disturbing episode in many ways. With out giving too much away,

very similar to how I do mine. It looks like I can get away with stirring less.

very similar to how I do mine. It looks like I can get away with stirring less.

I used to think he was an ass for always harping on Risottos on the show. Over the last year I’ve learned to cook a risotto, it is a lot of attention and time. Why anyone would attempt it in a timed cook off is beyond me. Also, over the course of the past year, I’ve had risotto in restaurants 3 or 4 times. 1 was good,

I used to think he was an ass for always harping on Risottos on the show. Over the last year I’ve learned to cook a

So... Can you own one of these in the US as long as you don’t register it or drive it on the public streets until it is 25+ years old?

Running for president with all those skeletons in your closet is akin to buying a brand new 911 Turbo Porsche after robing a bank.

I paid $100 for this can a few months back. I needed something that covered and I wanted a foot pedal to open it. The ‘reasonably priced’ models at Wmart were crappy plastic and the foot pedal was shaky at best. The stainless version at the same store all had broken pedals and were @$70. Went to a better store and

I paid $100 for this can a few months back. I needed something that covered and I wanted a foot pedal to open it.

The music at the end reminds me of my 20s.

I’m nearly 50. When I was in high school we were forced to take typing. Even in the 80's, we all complained that guys (I’m a guy) don’t need to take typing. What sort of job will a guy get that requires them to type. Hated the class.

Not to worry, the Turkey Testicle Festival is still going strong in IL. Always a good time.

I disagree. I really like the sauce. Very Korean BBQ taste to it. I remember it from the original run. I was a kid and didn’t really care for it then.

Nobody forces a matter quite as well as a good pimp.

Well that’s that then. Zedx79 don’t want it, we won’t do it.

Good thing.

I was the indi-rock stalker at one point. I was trying to sneak back stage at an early NIN concert. Leg 1 of Downward Spiral in a medium sized club, 2000 people or so. I was pretty far along when I ran into a dude with parrot hair. Multicolored explosion of hair. Got to talking and had a cig with him. Asked him if he