
I really like the rack they put on the back to mount your cooler and BBQ grill.


Not for nothing but the cop had his back to her the entire time. If anything, it looked as if he was stopping anyone from approaching her. It looked to me as if he was helping her have her say.

Is that where Lanesplitter went?

As a Bruins fan, I have to agree. He is brilliant on the ice, but jeabus, he need to reign it in a few notches. He is a dirty fucking bitch.

That’s what you latch on to? He was a hero because he was accepted by both Black and White Americans in a time where that was not the norm at all. He made it ok to be black and successful. He seldom worked blue. He created one of the best educational programs on TV.

Love this. I hate spoilers and it’s hard enough to avoid them as it is. I also love talking about the previous episode. If they released the season spoilers, that would have made it very hard to avoid spoilers for me.

(Plus, you can see out from a Spark)

BP is a force in of itself. It shouldn’t be used as a measurement of the success of other movies. I think I just read or heard it surpassed Titanic as the highest grossing movie? If so, how long was Titanic up there?

LEGION is coming out as a game? Awesome.

To be fair, everybody was doing ‘Man Show’ stuff in the 90s-00s. It was pretty normal activity. The world has changed and Jimmy seems to have changed with it as have I.

I loved the bike. I ride an i4 standard so it took a few hours to really get the feel for the v-twin but it was the perfect bike for that ride. I started in Santa Fe, road up the High Road to Taos. You basically start at the end of the Rockies and ride up and in. Ate a late lunch in Taos and then road over to the

I’ve rented bikes from a small bike rental place out in NM. Last one was a V-Strom 600(750?) what ever the smaller motor is. It was about $125 a day, including insurance. That guy had a business, with insurance against lost and all that jazz.

That can be said of any country. We all have about the same ratio of dumbasses to smart folk.

I agree with you a bit, the headline isn’t all that misleading as to what the new film will be, but it is not a sequel.

It has begun...

You don’t know a lot of Yankees fans do ya?

There is one. They use a picture of Bob from Bob’s Burgers as their avatar.

YES! I am so freaking sick of grey highways. Bring on the color!

I have Romany friends, Gypsy is a slur. The only people that use it have never befriended Romany folk.