
Your opinion is really stupid. You should try to refrain from any opinions in the future. You are 100 % dumbass

Now subway will probably roll out that pervert Jared again. Many bad decisions at that chain. The only worse decision is anyone that eats those shitty sandwiches. That crap is nasty. 

We just came out of 8 yrs of Obama's policies. Who did nothing about this for 8 yrs. Now less than 2 yrs into Trumps term its now all his fault. This shows your ignorance. Your wonderful 8 yrs of liberalism got us here. Saying that maybe liberals should take responsibility for there screw ups but we all know that

My theory is your dumber in real life than your comment.

Obviously zagbag has not paid attention to any of his like minded liberal women. Your comments about Pam Bondi appearance is very weak. She is a very nice looking woman. Now let’s take a look at your liberal women’s lineup. Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Watters, Hilliary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, and on and

I think I am going to puke after reading this.

What Ann Curry thinks or says about anything or anyone means almost as less as what Joy Begat says or thinks. Both of them are so irrellvant on everything it does not mean anything. The trouble with liberals us they actually think there words have meaning. Only idiots would listen to anything they say with any

It does not sound like she was distraught when Matt had her legs in the air.

I think I would rather be water boarded than have to watch this show.

James I got news for you! I watched McHale play during his Boston days. He was a class act and a champion 3 times over. The only clown is you. You are a hell of a individual player but you couldn’t hold mchale’s jock strap. So keep talking shit and you will continue to exit the playoffs in the 1st round. And

This shit stinks to high heaven. Anyone with a ounce of brains can see corruption all over this. I am sure if the NCAA would audit all schools and shoe company deals this is rampant across the universities.The state governments need to step in and have independent investigations into every major shoe deal that are tax

Little man syndrome in full display

Why not there are a lot of women that like there pussies being grabbed. I think your just jealous because you are a ugly duckling.