
My kiddo’s school has an entire week dedicated to computer safety. I asked at the community council meeting if they were addressing online harassment, because the entire description seems to focus on porn and websites with “swears.” They talk about it— as a secondary. I hate this conservative state and its focus on

Lately I’ve been seeing a penis with a light birthmark on it and I think it’s quite cute and endearing. Sadly the owner of the penis does not think so.

I thought it was really weird how the article just dropped that and ended abruptly. Like, did she explain to her son that “cool kids” are not immune to being sexually abused?

“I told them that the first time I ever had any sexual encounter, it was abuse,” she says. “Eventually, my 12-year-old stopped me and said, ‘Mum, don’t worry. I am way cooler than you were at my age.’”

All I got from this is the shocking realization about how long it has been since I’ve seen a beautiful penis in person. They have been decidedly underwhelming lately.

Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

It isn’t plagiarism at all, but is kind of funny.

I don’t blame him only because his brother was a total douche on the Bachelorette. I wouldn’t want to talk to him either

It seems pretty obvious to me:


His family comes off as very prude in these articles about them. I can see how that can annoy him if they’re criticizing Olivia’s “free spirit”. Meaning she’s comfortable talking about sex in public, they aren’t.

This Olivia is a “beard” shit is unbelievable as well. If he were gay, why would he pick a very famous actress for his cover? Any anonymous hot girl would better fill the bill with much less scrutiny. I would also add that she probably makes as much money as he does, so what are the “wrong” reasons his family is

Both characterizations by people unfamiliar with the family and Olivia Munn are unfair. While it’s certainly possible that the family is batshit crazy, the father’s few words spoke volumes about not just Aaron but Jordan’s proclivity towards fame (the father did say “one” and that causes me to think Pops isn’t

My parents live in Green Bay, which is a very small town, and there is no end to the secret awesome charity appearances and contributions that Aaron Rodgers takes part in. He is a solid guy. Early in his career he was a lot more Bible thumpy than he is now, and apparantly his parents are very strict with their

Where exactly does one buy a “the Dude” sweater?

I don’t really have an opinion on her but it would make sense, if he’s more reserved and quiet she gets to be the “A” in the relationship while he’s the “B”... those tend to balance well even if she still seems insufferable from the outside, it’s like her huge personality helps him feel more comfortable taking a back

omg right? It’s so rich for these people to claim that Aaron is the fame hungry one when his younger brother went on a nationally televised dating reality show.

Sounds just like my family. I have pretty much cut ties with all of them, but *I’M* the horrible person because they are Christian and you’re supposed to love your family no matter what, even if they shit on you/abused you/are the sole reason you have low self-esteem. I will live the rest of my life with that