Douche Gossage

You’re taking internet comments a little too personally, I think.

My point is 1) It’s clear that this a deal-breaker for you. 2) Anyone for whom this is a deal-breaker is dumb, and makes poor decisions.

Disqualifying anyone for being self-interested is dumb. Everyone is self-interested. No exceptions.
It’s like saying you prefer Skippy over JIF, because JIF is peanut butter with added

You’re a special kind of dumb.

My guess...you find convenient ways to dismiss most people who disagree with you all the time, rather than considering the somehow...maybe...in some dramatic miracles of miracles somebody else might have a point as smart of valid as yours.

“Booker is always in it for Booker” is pretty unambiguous. If you mis-communicated your thoughts...that’s on you.

Bless your heart. It clearly has nothing to do with the economy of his constituent’s state being dependent on pharmaceutical companies.

Is doing what’s best for your constituents “selling out”.

I disagree with the vote. But the people Booker represents NJ, have an economy pretty dependent on pharmaceutical companies.

Name one person in any field that isn’t in it for themselves.

That’s all people care about. Why won’t the Dems embrace this!

I’m not saying Booker specifically. But most people don’t give a shit about qualifications. Presidents are chosen by the vast majority of voters on personality, and nothing else.

Reagan: It’s morning in America.
Bush: An exception.
Clinton: all charisma

Jokes are hard!