Oh, agreed! Being a “dually”, I’m well aware! Eons ago, we’d sneak across the border when drinking age in Canada was still 18 for that oh-so-much-better (higher alcohol content) Canadian beer.
Oh, agreed! Being a “dually”, I’m well aware! Eons ago, we’d sneak across the border when drinking age in Canada was still 18 for that oh-so-much-better (higher alcohol content) Canadian beer.
Sniper ‘Honey’ from atop the CN tower. And thier beer sucks, too.
Hmm, good pull (respectfully, of course.) Thanks, now spends rest of evening listening to Wayne Shorter.
We’ve covered this eons ago, sadly...
Honestly, not two hours ago, I was watching “Dr. No” on basic cable. Though it’s Sean Connery, I was moved, curious to see if Roger Moore was still alive. Checked Wiki and sure enough, still alive...
Q. E. D.
The new hip: bashing hipste... OWW!... dammit, my hip!
Nice ‘pull’ Stef!
By blundering at 80mph onto the taxiway toward a filled 737?
The Porsche video:
This cloth-fur seat material outlasted the leather in most of my contemporary vehicles. Had three: a GTS and 2 Supras of this vintage, all with cloth and those well-built seats remain my most durable, lasting - certainly the most comfortable seats of the 50+ odd cars I’ve spent any time in, easily rivalling my…
Odometer don’t rack up goin’ sideways, yo?
Oooo, good pull.
Though not familiar with his work overall, that vid is an old fav - happy to dust it off and post. I thought his F1 recap nicely captured the general milieu of last weeks race and summed up the genuine excitement rather well.
Yea, succinct and spot-on.
I’d tuned in breifly live and caught this very highlight of the race as if I’d DVR’d it. Felt same spontaneous excitement in the moment. Bill does a nice recap.