
CBS This Morning said Paul has hired a personal injury lawyer. Wait, WHAT? In true Libertarian spirit he should represent himself. Sellout!

Ewwww. Just NO

I love you Bobby. I live for this. What’s wrong with me?

17 years. And they had worked together previously as well.

The NYT article said that among other things, Paul “Grew pumpkins and composted.” Paul probably did something douchey like put his compost pile right next to Boucher’s property line or something. I can’t imagine living next to Rand Paul for 17 years.

I have a friend who does this sort of thing and it drives me insane.

I sense another installment of ...THE KELLY HOUSEHOLD coming soon

I would have predicted red, white & blue as today’s choice. MegYn blows it every time.

This post needs more STARS

Rand Paul mows his own lawn? And I thought the incident took place in the house.

So now they’re blaming the resort.

MegYn is slipping in her journalism.

Just because he’s Jewish doesn’t give him the right to joke about the Holocaust.

You’ve clearly put a lot of work into this, and you should be rewarded. Tonight the Women will make Dessert.

Ha ha! Mine neither.


Bobby they need to approve your ticket request. At the rate things are going, it might be just you in the audience.

Can Doug just do the show instead?

Oh thank God you’re back. I’ve missed these stories!

Kelly Green (pun not intended)