A 5x5 program doesn’t really have to be “serious”, and it can absolutely be a useful fat burning tool. Any time you build muscle your body burns fat. Like any other workout regimen it may take time to see results.
A 5x5 program doesn’t really have to be “serious”, and it can absolutely be a useful fat burning tool. Any time you build muscle your body burns fat. Like any other workout regimen it may take time to see results.
Right here haters....right here. The Champs are Here!!!
“If the ref didn’t want to be assaulted, he shouldn’t have been in that situation. Or dressed that way.”
This is false, minimalism is about using less stuff not about getting rid of stuff. You should have used all those pens and clothes until they were worn and raggedy, not thrown them out.
I wouldn’t call them overalls as much as I’d call them around-somes.
In teal. Teal is the ‘90s. The most ‘90s car of the ‘90s has to be teal.
Nope, it’s entirely too big on a 1080 monitor too.
If there was a Pokemon game where I could play as Trevor, I would pay $1,000 for it. Though poor Pikachu would probably get the Mr. Raspberry Jam treatment.
Holy fuck. It’s Patriot from Interstate ‘76.
I know vlookups, pivot tables, etc., and I shock people at work with a thing called “macros.”
VLOOKUP is my bread and butter for work, but I’ve started using INDIRECT to do some pretty nifty stuff between sheets. Relatedly, I also recently learned what the “V” in VLOOKUPs stand for: vertical. I only recently discovered the HLOOKUP formula (which does the same thing, but across rows instead of columns).
Kinda the plot of this music video:
What advantages do these motor cars have over, say.. a train, which I could also afford?
dad has a floor model at his shop that is older than me. built like a tank and still going strong. used to let me learn/play on it as a kid, helped me learn to appreciate heavy equipment and the respect you need to have for it.
No, Packie, It’s PE4!
(oh, you haven’t played the games - my bad)
But the article said “spicy,” not “red water.”
That’s even better!
“Since the engine was out...”
Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...