What’s your proof that Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State were swayed by donations to the Clinton Foundation? Where’s your proof that Hillary Clinton was using Clinton Foundation money to enrich herself? Without those, you have no argument, just false equivalency.
Shitting himself on a perp-walk before keeling over. That’s what I’m hoping for.
Fucking perfect. They sued the racist pieces of shit on his birthday. Die in a fire, racist.
Well that was a really long post that added nothing to the conversation. All I wanted to say is that we absolutely do have the resources to provide for our poor, as well as these immigrants, but only if we stop giving it all away to the upper class.
The Brat’s in the Cradle
This is not right. These people came to the United States for help. I don’t fucking care if people think we should be focusing inward on ourselves - I’m not a narcissistic assfuck like our president. We have the resources to help these people. And we have the fucking resources to help our own people too. And fuck…
The soulless motherfuckers that run AND own Southwest Key would be lucky if the least that happened to them was being burned alive.
When is Sintay getting a job offer from the Trump syndicate?
She’ll keep an eye on you,
Just for fun, here’s the time Sarah’s dad showed off his college education on canadian tv.
Man, I look forward to Sanders throwing a tantrum when she denies this story and then throwing another tantrum about it when it turns out to be true six months from now.
Scott Pruitt runs a carpool so that other people can pay for his gas. Scott Pruitt likes watching Prosperity Gospel sermons on YouTube. Scott Pruitt tried to bet just a little bit on all of the horses, thinking he was so clever.
Dennis Rodman wouldn’t have evaded such questions, is all I’m saying.
He doesn’t have an answer, and he’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. I’d bet money you could pick a class of 20ish year old IR students from any decent school and they could do as well or better.
Hey, dickhole, their job isn’t to help you with your bullshit propaganda, so try answering the goddamn question and kindly go fuck yourself.
Feckless Cunt.
It’s kinda concerning that Dennis Rodman could’ve fabricated a better response
I read that in Perd Hapley’s voice.