I knew I should have said Kraft singles. Damn.
I knew I should have said Kraft singles. Damn.
lol a veteran anarchist who quotes Karl Marx at city meetings? Never change, Seattle, never change.
Dude, you can even join Conservative Wackjob groups on LinkedIn who’d love to network with your bored wife. I’m sure there’s plenty glamorous jobs looking to hire a chick with that kind of experience. *cough*
Oh yeah - - you can’t call a useless presidential advisor a feckless cunt, because the naughty word is always worse than conspiring to allow foreign interference in our elections.
This is what grass roots looks like.
“Won’t somebody please think of the children?
A four letter word crosses the line but boot licking subservience and attacking the most vulnerable is acceptable?
I can’t think of anything Trump has ever tweeted about Avenatti. That is beyond alarming, because Trump attacks fucking EVERYONE on Twitter.
Her parents very quietly became U.S. citizens while here. Meanwhile, this is going on
That’s all you think about lying fuck.
Of course he did. I had a Mercedes convertible make a left in front of me once. When I pulled up short and yelled, he flicked a lit cigarette at me. It hit me in the chest, so I caught it, caught him, and threw it into his back seat, hoping he wouldn’t notice the smell of burning leather for at least three blocks.
As someone who used to live in the BG area until very recently, Rand Paul has actively and continuously fucked that area and everyone in it—most egregiously by pushing a bill that allowed for refuse to be dumped in the Mammoth Cave system (the ecological impact of that decision will be awful, given that all cave…
The Lawn “Massacre” of Bowling Green.
I got hit going around Washington Circle once. Came down on the other side with my leg through my frame, but was able to walk away with bruises and scrapes. Dispatch sent a car courier to take my packages and take me home.
Keep a watch on the names, and also actually keep a watch on the legislation being brought forward. Something tells me there’s going to be more than a few Democrats who thoroughly stab this thing in the back, or completely cave when the legislation gets turned into some nightmare porkchop bill from hell. There are far…