How long until Congress introduces measures to make registering by text illegal? You know the reps love them some voter suppression laws!
How long until Congress introduces measures to make registering by text illegal? You know the reps love them some voter suppression laws!
“I don’t want to live in a town that won’t let us marry our cousins!” - Hans Sprungfeld
They’re really going to need Ollie Norths hidden gold now!
well he is preying on a vulnerable addict while she goes through rehab, so creepy about that.
Dammit Guv’t needs more women (and men) to step up and call out the bullshit!
I would like to invite this piece of shit up to Toronto, where he’ll not be permitted to carry any firearms, we’ll go visit Rexdale and he can shoot his mouth off there, we’ll see how long he’ll last.
The whale is hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!
“Is anyone here a marine biologist!?!?”
Because women are exercising they’re right to choose even as we speak, and old white men and religious fuckwads can’t have that!
Or just a cheeseburger, kosher rules dictate you cannot eat/drink cow’s milk and beef at the same time.
I’m down for putting DJTJ on a small island and hunting him.
The Toronto guy killed 2.
Did someone go shoot up a business with a video game again?
Seriously! She flips on him, gets a slap on the wrist and later it will be discovered she was just as culpable. Just like Karla!
This is brilliant!
Lived around the corner from the Sam The Record Man at Yonge and St Clair for years!
I am going back to the cats hiking videos, this shit is all too depressing.
This makes me feel....well, just sad. Sad for all of humankind.
Rafi, don’t think I agree at all with your opening paragraph.