66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash


That’s not remotely comparable. The current F1 engines have heavily limited fuel flow rates which seriously limits the power they can produce. Additionally the engines have to last SEVEN races (qualifying and race). The focus on reliability has a big impact on power figures.

“It’s a Tech company” is not reassuring anymore.

The OP missed the biggest reason for F1 to exist. IT’S A SPORT!

Meh, for automakers, Formula 1 isn’t about making better cars. It’s about making better engineers. Also, it would serve us well to remember all motorsports are vanity projects.

Cyberian truck.

It looks like me trying to process all the ads on Jalopnik and find the actual content. 

50k is the new 30K

I think the only logical choice to go along with your previous argument is the CYCLOPSTRAIN

That front end is still horrific to me. It seems overdesigned and underdeveloped. might I suggest a little more throwback to old Hyundai while keeping some of the more striking features - a la my quick Photoshop

Nothing a 96 month loan can’t fix.

BMW customers ... want to express something and are not afraid of vehicles with strong characters.

The only kids I’m beating are the ones that haven’t been conceived yet.

Talk about a hot SEAT!

wow, I had no idea an AWD variant was available for the Tempo. and this thing is in great shape!

“$66M on any one group of items is too much.”

Thank God they didn’t actually produce that concept, or any of their other concepts, because I’d be about 84 months in debt right now otherwise.

Piss off you dick, not having babies in your case sounds like an excellent move. No need for those selfish genes to go on any longer.

Or, they can mind their own damn business.