
She is as crooked as a hind-dogs leg. But why bring Thomas into it? The target is SOtomayor and her unethical work. Stick with the subject otherwise people lose track of who the criminal is. She and Ruth B.G. have gays friends and that is why they voted for gay marriages. Not what a SUpreme Court judge should do. They

Then why, according to the mother’s response, did they send their kids here alone in the first place? Horse****. You either enter legally, the word everybody momo in the U.S. keeps forgetting to use, including those Mexicans, or you stay home.

This Tim Burke is a real piece of shit. Perfect example of what is wrong with writers and people who, I hope he does not think it, are jpournalists. You are far from it and never will be.

I’d rather punch you, fuck-nut!