
He starts the car, puts it in gear, realizes he forgot something or notices something and gets out real quick putting the car in neutral either stupidly or accidentally, and when it starts rolling he's either behind it unaware or got behind it in an effort to save the fender bender.

Why can't we have the computers call balls and strikes?

You might've just won Deadspin.

Come to think of it, Prince didn't fight in Vietnam either!

I think any answer that isn’t “Bo Jackson” fails to understand the question.

Absolutely one of my favorite NBA memories

It is crazy ridiculous how cheap they are, and I thank goodness I don't have a thing for them - otherwise I'd be a fat fuck for sure. I'd say here in Austin they're closer to 25¢ a piece and are fresh for approximately 45 seconds after purchase.

Who is eating all the Mexican Pastries?: a very special Deadspin investigation.

Or something

Go in a Mexican bakery sometime and think about how that’s ONE DAY’S WORTH!

Coherent and rational. 10/10 would read again

Nor does your post.

You're right, my emphasis was intended for the equality of the sides, not their number.

3 or 4 EQUAL sides. This is a beerangle.

You mean East 6th St. West 6th St is for tourists and frat bros on the prowl.

You got me by one minute you magnificent bastard.

Now playing

So that’s what we’re going with then? A replay of a mobbed pitch and a few close ups of some obviously confused players and officials? Not the historic stoppage time goal, nor the four that proceeded it?

No one was “decked.” I thought we’ve been through this.

You're a day early on this one Tom.