
When will you people understand the basic, simple, and overriding fact that this has NOTHING to do with free speech. Once you understand how the 1st amendment works, it's easy to proceed to other, equally nonsensical and irrational arguements defending racism.

I’m sorry, those are reasoned facts and thus carry no weight. Don't interrupt the feels.

Thank you for this.

Any chance Larry David’s heckle and subsequent admission he was paid $5000 to do it - while funny-ish - was the negotiated deal to circumvent the equal time doctrine?

Well there was Larry David shouting “Trumps a Racist!” 3-4 times, but then admitted to being paid to do so, thus covering the equal-time exposure.

“We realize this decision will unfairly penalize many of our fine young men who clearly did not participate in these actions....but fuck ‘em, right?”

The sixth step is always a layup - I mean, who wouldn’t want God to remove their character defects?


Isn’t this just a huge Double Irish? Now that they've closed the loophole companies are getting more creative with their tax strategies.

Now playing

Ya, the whole tone of this post was pretty offensive. The first video is of Army Ranger Veteran Antonio Bueler, and that guy has EVERY reason to be fearful of police and is most certainly not white.

That thar is a thang of beauty it is.

Winning half of your football games is hard. The other teams have coaches and players too.

Ya, it was’t his training, the luck of the tree, his strength and coordination, GPS technology, LTE technology, EMS workers, of the power of flight that saved him.

I could do that at 12 and I was public park level.

“The video was huge. It was everything. I really believe that without it, Pero and I could be behind bars right now. Because if you don’t have real proof that you didn’t do it and you have five, six officers saying that you did…”

So important to note that without the two videos there are no consequences. This is why you film every cop every time, and why they hate it so much. Your phone is the weapon that will win this war, be brave enough to use it.

Let's see how you sound after Dr Lecter makes you swallow your own tongue from the next cell.


Amazing you thought to comment on Gawker during such a difficult time. It really adds perspective.

Flag football is a lot of fun.