
I don’t understand the insult? Dick/ass suckers are AWESOME!

Strong has been in over his head since the beginning. You need not look into his play calling nor clock management nor roster for examples of his lack of decision making skills - dude was on the sidelines in a long sleeve mock turtleneck with nothing to cover his bald pate last week. It was 100 degrees on the field.

I’ve always used this ..!., to convey the middle finger in text. Correct/acceptable?

The only acceptable outcome...

“...three home runs less than Joe DiMaggio...”

Her vote counts as much as yours.

“If coach would’ve put me in, we would’ve won that Ultimate championship, I know it!”

Constant companion here in Disc Golf Mecca, TX.

My bitch LaFawnduh doesn’t make the full 18 on the longer courses sometimes.

I knew this would be up your alley J.V.!

They also make great rolling trays.

This is fantastic information, thank you. A follow up?

The Defensive Fronts Coach is sure to have a hand in this as well.

Since when is helpful enlightenment of ignorance being “that guy?” He corrected a glaring error and hopefully saved the author a modicum of embarrassment.

Give me Hakeem every time. He possessed a set of skills everyone on that list would be jealous of.

That ‘81 Rockets team was my first sports love. I was 7 and that was the first year of our season tickets, so I went to all those playoff games. Moses was a hero, and he used to show up at Fonde Rec Center and play pick up on the big court. It was amazing to see someone that large that close. A couple years later he


That is a true leader of young men.