
Bigger surprise: an Astro.

COUNTERPOINT: He was out due to carrying his bat into the halfway box down the first base line anyhow.

This I like.

He should at least be compinsated for using his likeness in the video under fare use.

I don't know why this isn't getting love.

Goddamnit Eddie I'm in court! You trying to get me contempted over here or what?!?

A peace of shit.

Ohmigerd I MUST know the details of said tip. DONTTEASEMEBRO!!!



cool story bro

Are we all just gonna pretend like surfbro didn't just land THREE straight knockdown left hooks?!? Get ZODIACMOTHERFUCKER on the horn, stat!!!


Sooooo....his plan was to beat the throw back to first?

I'm pretty sure if you ever watched it, you'd have an answer to that question. preeeeeeeeeetty sure

It's usually worth half a laugh.

So basically, THIS guy.

Lets say you were able to time travel back to San Antonio 1836 with an M-60 and a box of ammo. Would you alone be able to repel the Mexican forces attacking? Once that thing opened up, would it be enough to send Santa Ana's forces high tailing, or would they overwhelm you anyhow, laying siege and outflanking your