the point were're missing here is his caddy is so fucking fired for not catching it before he hit.
the point were're missing here is his caddy is so fucking fired for not catching it before he hit.
Exactly. Take something cliche and use a turn of phrase to make it uniquely yours. Genius, inspired, and (obviously) over your empty head.
Put them under Bulls(?!?)
They did (look harder, start at animals and go one spot to the 1 o'clock.
Also wrong - Bevo is most definitely a steer, not a bull. (And if you don't think that's a huge difference.......)
You are too stupid for words.
Where's the part when the baby starts making out with him?
No. In the context of a physical competition there is much leeway given to participants to engage in actions that would be defined as crimes in everyday society. Not going to spend the research time to quote the precedent, but it is established law. If you blindside someone on the street, you are a criminal, same…
Wrigley Field, the goat-themed cemetery where the past 105 seasons of Chicago Cubs baseball are buried...
On I'm pissed off about LOTS of things...'86 NBA Finals, SB XXXIV, '86 NLCS, '04 WS, every Houstin Oilers playoff run ever...
Dinger works better here.
I have been to 100+ major league games in my 38 years. I have been one section away from a foul ball once. Closest call so far. I hate anyone who has ever grabbed one, nice play or not.
I'm going to enjoy watching you dunk, Mr. Anderson.
As always, the bully reveals himself to be a coward at heart.
A "portion of the proceeds." Could be $.25. Don't be stupid.