
It's time Steven Moffat left Doctor Who.

That would explain why all of the released TWoW chapters are just Podrick Payne erotic fanfiction

Bloodraven? Is that you?

I don't think you understood the core of Ender's Game at all. Not only is he wracked by guilt in that book, he ends up, through the next few books, trying to atone for his xenocide of the Buggers. The fact that he thought it was all a simulation removes some of the blame from his shoulders from the reader's

I don't think you understood the core of Ender's Game at all. Not only is he wracked by guilt in that book, he ends up, through the next few books, trying to atone for his xenocide of the Buggers. The fact that he thought it was all a simulation removes some of the blame from his shoulders from the reader's

I don't think you understood the core of Ender's Game at all. Not only is he wracked by guilt in that book, he ends up, through the next few books, trying to atone for his xenocide of the Buggers. The fact that he thought it was all a simulation removes some of the blame from his shoulders from the reader's

It's really nice to have gotten an uplifting episode amidst so much doom and gloom. Thanks, Rian!

Well, I was genuinely trying to commiserate with you, because my first time reading the Red Wedding chapter was, by far, the most emotionally devastating literary moment of my life, and I know how it feels to be blindsided by this thing, but whatever. I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way. No need to be an ass

Hey. Hey there. How are you guys holding up? It's ok. We know, we know. It's ok to cry. We're all doing it. We're sorry. It wasn't any easier this time around for us, either. We're so sorry.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus — Dany just works out too well to be queen. It makes too much sense. She's too deserving of the throne.
Knowing George, Jorah Mormont will gut her like a fish in the most heartbreaking way imaginable.

The only thing I could think when Robb was getting shot by the crossbows was "like father, like son."

THANK YOU! I don't get the constant B-level grades and "ho-hum" attitude towards this season at all. Since Jamie's hand got cut off, this show has been on a completely different level. The past four weeks are up there with Baelor and Blackwater as the best this show has done, and that's no easy feat.

That scene killed me almost as much as the Red Wedding did, and if they take it out of the show, I will burn HBO to the ground and drag Benioff and Weiss to the Dreadfort.


As much as I loved the idea of Episode 9 being "A Tale of Two Weddings," the lack of any Martells up to this point (especially the fact that Oberyn Martell has, as far as we know, not been cast) and the synopsis indicating that Joff is alive in Ep. 10 makes me think we're going to have to wait until next season for

I just don't understand how Robb can't see that the Frey wedding is a total Roose.


@avclub-92561f21446e017dd6b68b94b23ad5b7:disqus I would watch the fucking shit out of that version