The trade is “if you are loyal to me, I will let you be cruel to others.”

My favorite part of your comment is the last sentence. Because for my entire life my right wing father has declared his allegiance to republicans because they make decisions on “facts, not emotion.” And yet here they are doing just that. 

He isn’t wrong. Plus why are we relying on cops to patrol traffic? Seems like a waste of their time when we could just make a computer do it automatically. 

what an asshole move.

silver is pretty good. 

I’m confused on how you call this a “boondoggle”, then link to an article about how it uses fin stabilizers. What exactly is the “boondoggle” here?

You also do a good job pointing at the real issue. NIMBY’s wouldn’t allow anything like this to be built anywhere. So there is literally NOTHING like this that people

so your article is premature, and shouldn’t be ready for publication. 

also.. there is no way anyone could pay for that underground piping. And maitenance would be a disaster.

Why is the Land cruiser center console better? I’d buy a GX, but can’t live without manual HVAC controls.

Also, they need to get better on MPG. 

yeah, we are pretty terrible parents, so our kid lives on the internet. Wish we could be better. But i’m just exhausted most days. 

I’ll raise my hand if anyone actually wants the salty opinion of a housing developer. Most of these problems with housing are artificial (created by bad policies). Some are cyclical. All are not going away. 

lol. Oddly enough, I pay for that already. Nothing like streaming for kids and the hotspot for the jobsite. 

$25 / month is steep though...

I personally can’t think of a single other place, where you have all the attractions / amenities all within an easy walkable space as a cruise ship offers.

hurricanes would have no real issue on above ground track construction. It isn’t that different from regular concrete reinforced elevated tracks. The real issue would be protecting the reinforcing from corrosive salt air. 

Source: I design buildings and roads in florida.

Commutes are shit. Employers should pay for commute time anyway. If they want me on Teams while it happens great. I can leave an hour earlier and spend my last hour of work driving home. Then I’d actually work 9-5, instead of 8-6.

I really hope it was Doug just screwing with the algorithm. And there is a you tube series in production about his forthcoming ownership. 

That is because it is totally made up. There is no standard. And it has always been that way, nothing new. Street names are a style decisions 

USPS has actually been more painful to deal with in naming streets than any municipalities. 

No the developer just thought that sounded cooler or marketable.