garupazonkawi mokalawakiki

Huh.  I thought you were gay.  Anyway those are nice pictures and I appreciate the time you took to copy them from Google.com and paste them here.

There was a time when Harvard was a respected institution filled with above-average, talented minds.

Your co-worker, Shuffling The Deck, is a bit quicker than you these days.

Basketball fans. Who are they?

Correct. The world is terrible and we are utterly powerless to change it.

Considering the Trump Tower Fire was arson, this is good news.  

Agreed.  More often than not it is the case, though.

I am prepared to do what they are doing: demand tax increases on the middle class.

Not interested in potentially adverse health effects of vaping. I vape. I consider myself a vaper. I enjoy it and I am not going to stop.


As well as crushed cement, I’m sure. 

Oh my.

Entirely possible.  Like individual experiences, isolated individual comparisons say nothing of the aggregate.  Ashley and I were speaking in broader terms, no pun intended. 

If the sun were made of wit, your comment would ignite the known universe. 

The NYT Election Needle helped Trump and I will tell you how.  Indicating a landslide victory for Mrs. Clinton months ahead of the vote, the lazy and drug-addled Bernie supporters were given ample reason to do what they do best: nothing.

Maybe you missed the news. Elizabeth Warren has recently proven that she is in fact a Native American.

True enough relative to smaller species. We are all big relative to ants, for instance. Within the human species, men are bigger than women. I know this to be true as I am a man myself and I have encountered many women in my day.

Men have bigger hands than women. This is a result of men having bigger bodies than women. Inside those bigger bodies are bigger bones, brains, and, occasionally, boogers.

Cuomo is reliably corrupt.  The people electing him know this.  Why do they continue to vote for him?  Seems kinda dumb. 

That’s a whole lot of assumption.  “I’m sure” this.  “I bet” that.  People like you are destroying the national discourse.