Cherokee Bill

driving 40k miles just for fun in a papered-over, econo-shitbox conveys a deeply unsettling sense of masochism that indicates an abusive upbringing, like being left in a mid-90s taurus for too many hours or having to sleep in the back of a windstar for a few months. or something. i don’t know. this is really weird,

People are still making the choice to buy a car when they don’t have to. No one puts a gun to sign a sales contract on a car. If the terms aren’t good once you do the math, you can walk away.

Although the $8,000 off MSRP is tempting, you’re forgetting about the additional hidden costs associated with Mustang ownership: Attorney fees, Additional roadside-pedestrian collision insurance, weekly “I’m sorry I hit you with my racecar” Hallmark card delivery services.

I flew out to San Francisco for my cousin’s wedding in September and thought it’d be cool to get a Mustang convertible and drive up and down Big Sur while I was there until literally every 5th person on highway 1 had the same fucking idea.