
So... gay tigers?

The candles may have really fallen out of favor after the 1924 Christmas Eve school fire at Babbs Switch, OK - the combination of a tree with lit candles and paper decorations in a one-room school with one exit door ended up killing 36 people. At the time it was a huge story.

K & N air filter on an ‘87 V6 Firebird.

“Jesus Christ! He just hit a damn pole!”

Wish I’d seen this earlier but...

I’d just be happy for us to escape the grays here...

That’s why you have warm woolen mittens to go with bright copper kettles!

Popular this year:

Thanks - was going to post the same thing (including the Pinkham’s Law part). My 84-year-old mom has had her cookie gun since the second Eisenhower administration; it still works fine and awaits the green dough to make her little tree cookies again this year.



Can’t understand why Johnie’s is still closed. What a great building!

I know it was before this, anyway. This building is the old Orbach’s department store, and the top floor of the attached parking garage had an entrance to the store.

I can imagine the museum’s directors telling the architects, “We’re not sure what we want but we think it should have more of Robert Petersen’s thumbprint on it.”

The second verse of that song wouldn’t be a good idea nowadays...

Because her birthday is his PIN?

Charlie Chase? So send them this:

CA is worse off than that - I’m still getting annual DMV non-op notices on a car that hasn’t been titled or registered there for three years.