
Shouda got that Tru-Coat.



JFC. It’s time to put this to bed once and for all. There is no such thing as a “religious employer”. And YOUR personal beliefs do not give you permission to trample the rights of other people in any way, shape or form.

This was definitely compiled by a youngster doin’ ‘research’.

The nerve of this queen.

Watch Trump claim he’s pregnant to try and get out of any jail time.

In other legal news, and I know this site doesn’t get too political, Donald Trump was just indicated.

Campaign finance fraud is a nice appetizer. I’m waiting for the main course of treasonous insurrection with official secrets act violations for dessert.


Fasten your seatbealts...


It’s what one wears to jump a motorcycle over 24 Pride floats.

This is highly surprising. Surprising the proposed NC law isn’t to mandate that gas vehicles take up all EV spots.

Some have even gone as far as to call her a “mini landlord” (more on that later)

Eh, DeSantis’ own team has been overheard worrying about his astounding unlikability - he sounds like the perfect GOP candidate on paper, but then he shows up and starts talking, and a surprising amount of even modern Republicans instantly hate him. The GOP primaries sound like they’re going to be a shitshow.

This from a guy that probably thinks “grooming” is sweeping the forests to prevent fires.

Southern California, here... the list is really long.

Chicago’s “Turn lanes” (or lack thereof).

Massachusetts rotaries (aka traffic circles).