oh boy i hope the veloster market is doing well!
oh boy i hope the veloster market is doing well!
it was nice of them to restore the turn signals to somewhere they can be fucking SEEN
At first I thought camera lens angle, maybe slight slope to the driveway or area. But the rear seats was the image that did it for me. The fence should be perpendicular to the ground, straight up and down. There’s a noticeable angle on the pillars and window glass. But if you look at that same part of the car from the…
I’ve always wondered if these were squatting from the factory, or if it just happens as time goes on.
that car is prime merch!
The Neiman Marcus catalog cars. Usually it’s just a different paint scheme and slightly different interior.
If that’s not what you’re after, it’s definitely the “key for my car that is shaped like my car” upgrade from bespoke manufacturers.
I backed the Misen knife. I’ve had two. I would not recommend it. The free sharpening was free, decently quick, but just mailed out to a single sharpening service you could do on your own for less. It wasn’t as advertised. It can’t hold an edge for more than a week, the steel is horribly soft.
For $50 less, I bought…
Lawn is in rough shape from years of neglect. And an acre of maples and oaks dropping every year doesn’t help as much as you’d think.
They left this, a newish snowblower, and a Troy Bilt walk behind (also self prop). Both engines are B&S. Thank god it is self propelled RWD, that engine is practically a V8 and I am a string bean on my fat days. The suction on the hose isn’t as intense as I would have hoped, but I can clean the front in about an hour.
The city only does pickups twice a year, and the compost center closes 11/30. We do have a slightly modified 4x8 Harbor Freight trailer that works well enough on the Forester, and plenty of land that we can dump and compost on.
And the previous owners were nice enough to leave behind a 400lb leaf vacuum, which helps a…
Trailer capability sucks with center exit exhaust. Don’t have interior height to tarp down and fit lawn/leaf bags.
XJ all the way. I’m a new homeowner with lots of leaves and more still to come in Southern New England. This is one area where a Veloster does not win.
I’ll give you 20 even to take off every badge that doesn’t say Comanche
thank you it is worse than I could have imagined
“God damn it, not another Changli post.”
Sexy Changli was RIGHT THERE
oh my god the nostalgia
I can’t wait to see Santa driving one this year!