
We’re in the same grouping really—the sub $20k warm coupe/hatches. My Veloster Turbo is a tiny bit lighter at 2800lbs without the panoramic roof.

I think the Civic is a bit more rigid and tall feeling, and, coming from a Veloster owner? The visibility sucks. I like the VT everywhere but the freeway. Smaller state

It’s King K. Rool with a #9 from Mr. Game & Watch. 

I want to cook with Eric. 

Do you type X’s full name, or do you also search “musk grims kid name” and then copy/paste it too?

Do you think it stands a chance?

I hope it stands a chance. 

this is how you summon stef schrader 

checking in from 37 years of NE life and, aside from the bun? this is just a hot dog topping preference. source: currently residing on the RI border, eating my weight in wieners and chow mein sandwiches.

the best thing about the split top NE buns is that they separate better in packaging than standard coney rolls, and

You have to collect 10 of them and send them in and you get a prize, tbd. 

trump absolutely drew that plane in sharpie and added the zoom lines two minutes before the pitch

On which Earth are you taking any Stinger at $30k? 

And then you try to scrape the last bits of cheese off and you get a thin layer of paper but the ratio is mostly cheese so you eat it anyway.

Been doing that since I was old enough to reach the microwave. 

You’re a better writer than this. 

Roller for pegboard. Otherwise you’re wasting paint spraying through holes. 

are you going to bother posting a write-up about it if you only spend 20 minutes with the truck, and all you have is a cell phone camera without a wide angle shooting mode?

Possibly. Or maybe that one side of the box grater, or a mandoline?

Now playing

I really like the idea of this. I think I would try a cutting method like Chef John does in the video below. They’d fit much better this way in smaller and/or round basket fryers. And with the shorter height for each tail, you should see improved airflow and more even cooking through each tail.

How tf do you cut

oh no it’s THOSE GT-R badges

we didn’t bring any milk to Eastern Oregon