613| PND

The assets DO already exist though, whether you doubt it or not. Dataminers have confirmed that the models and animations used in Sword and Shield are the same models used in Sun and Moon (which contains all the previous Pokemon.)

I’m with you on that. That video killed my hype for this game.

I’m the tournament organizer for the Ottawa Smash scene up here in Canada, and let me tell you — we have some really young players with a ton of talent. Can’t underestimate the young guns.

I really hope this has multiplayer, this looks like a perfect game to play co-op with my wife.

“James took a sip of his whiskey. The Furby before him was flawed. Somewhere along the assembly line two pieces had gotten mixed up, and before him was a Furby with two different coloured eyes. James paused, his hand trembling. His job was to make sure everything was perfect, everything conformed to the corporate

Get off your high horse and don’t be so quick to call LaZodiac wrong. Go on the Battle.net announcement page, and read the section called “Gone Wild.”