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Doubtful. As far as “massive depressive episodes” go, this is a pretty big one, and I’m in a complete free-fall right now. I’ll be lucky to convince myself to shower in the next week. =/
While you don’t technically have to own a butane torch—you could brown the meat in a skillet and the veggies in the oven—it sure makes the process a lot faster, and it’s a lot of fun.
The fact that my girlfriend watches Once Upon A Time, which is still on television, and has seasons longer than Foodspin, is a crime.
Where do you think 4Chan got the inspiration for Gushing Granny?
And then you make it play the “You got a thing!” sound from The Legend of Zelda.
If done correctly, everything can squirt.
If sending gummy dicks is evil, then whoever.. came.. up with this idea is like 200 Satans.
Depending on the liquid used (and the ingredients used in the dicks themselves), the dicks may become swollen and engorged with liquid.
6 reverses completely explains every car chase scene in every movie, ever.
oh lurd i do love me a half sour
Oh man now I miss fresh hot buttered pita bread breakfast at my grandparents when I was a wee Leb-talian child.
And one time, pizza pita! Oh what a day that was.
WELL LUCKY FOR YOU I did just that a couple of months ago! And I don’t have any fucking pictures of them post canning somehow. Outside of a jar, anyway. They don’t last long in the wild.
I’d never made pickles on my own before this year, and these looked pretty much like what my grandparents used to make.. but better.…
It’s sidecars of k&m, with what I assume are a local bread and butter chip. Too thick cut of a pickle to be a national brand, the thicker cut national brands aren’t offering bread & butter chips, nor do they have the additional coloration from turmeric. I am the Pickle King.
They have a ridiculous menu and I am…
Explain it to me in fruit snacks.
Nah, I’ve been here a hot minute. Claire and I used to come up with song titles and change the Google image result algorithm for turkish delight.
This might be my favorite post, but if you haven’t yet.. go back through the entirety of Skillet and read! There’s tons of great posts and with the exception of Friday Eggs,…
Time flies!
mac and cheese with salt and vinegar potato chips crumbled on top, consumed in a bubble bath
I’m not going to say no to free candy, and certainly not going to say no to deeply discounted candy! Don’t have judgement, Torch!