
This is beautiful, Claire. And there is zero shame in Oreo truffles, especially when you use mint or peanut butter (NOT REESE’S PB ONES) Oreos.

For food ninja’ing, I have two. I have a big one (an older model I can’t find with a wider feed tube, but basically this thing), and a little one.

The small Cuisinart got me

The majority of my focus has been in central and eastern Mediterranean cuisine - Italian, Greek, Lebanese and Syrian, but I personally prefer the barbecue and grilling of the Southern United States. I began my “life” in a full service Italian deli, where I learned to not piss off the owner’s mother and that I was

I volunteer as tribute.

If I had to guess, it’s just more immersion through texture. The puffy and crisp confection is much more aromatic than the rich and full bodied ganache. The crème anglaise is sort of there to seperate them - it’s so light in flavor and much less viscous, so it works to keep the textures apart from one another without

That’s the little guy on my shoulder. And on the left is his in shape, clean shaven opposite that wears boat shoes and a button down.

You could stop fueling a race war fire and just write about “murdered people”.

People of all complexions and heritages are killed daily. But that doesn’t get you clicks, does it?

I was on an Alaska cruise a few years ago, on a certain Mouse themed ship. We had sprung for dinner in the pay-an-extra-$20-adults-only-shirt-and-tie-Italian place.

I can’t recommend a single establishment in MA that offers something you can get a better version of in San Fran. Even the restaurant(s) I used to work in, while really good, would pale in comparison to the offerings of the Bay.

The best thing we have is the local coffee shops, but I think that holds true for

I don’t blame your friend for a second. Boston proper has some of the most overpriced bad food I’ve ever eaten. My restaurant was a sort of unicorn out in the burbs. We were the only place you could get a good burrito and an authentic gyro.

Well, she was. Now she’s Ree Drummond, millionaire host of the Food Network and has appeared on Good Morning America, The View, The Today Show and The Chew, to name a few. She’s also been featured in multiple national magazines, and her life as a “ranch wife” is anything but a country struggle. Her current net worth

Oh totally. I’ve got a container in the fridge at home, which I might only use 2-3 times a year.. but it keeps, so I’ll have it when I need it.

I meant that I hadn’t heard of cornbread in milk/buttermilk.

but now I don’t drink buttermilk

Makes sense. Pour the milk/buttermilk over the cornbread first to get more of that corn-y goodness.

Next question: What % milk? Whole seems like it’d be REALLY heavy in this kind of application.

pour it over torn pieces of corn bread and eat it from a glass with a spoon like my grandmother does

This one actually looks good, but I think it might be too heavy/smokey for a beet slaw. My former Chef would knock me for using a recipe from Women’s Day, but I scour those magazines when I visit my parents. Because they’re aimed at a specific audience, they tend to have a decent amount of simple and good seasonal reci


Well, no, you’re not. A guilty pleasure is one thing (corn dogs and canned wine? guilty as charged, your honor), but touting it as something that will “bridge gaps and promote world peace” is a little bit more than simply embellishing. I might be grumpy after a 5 day whisky and BBQ hangover, but I would see all

I lost a lot of respect for The Pioneer Woman after seeing her “Cheese” stuffed bacon wrapped saltines, which apparently is a thing. It might not be her recipe, but with a national following, I think you owe it to your fanbase to encourage decent home cooking, and not.. whatever that is.

This, however, is a good start

agreed. idk I figured since the method applies really well to a lot of stuff it would be worth mentioning from a more familiar POV.

I mean it’s like you have responsibilities or something.