
1) Harry Potter 1-4

I would have bought your Contour so hard. I loved those Cougars and those wheels.

I just really, really would brine chicken any other way and just eat the feta. I could eat a big square of feta like a sandwich. I have eaten a big square of feta like a sandwich. Except without bread. Just a big square of feta cut off of a block. Only God can judge me.

1lb of thick breast or breast tenders, 6?

Sort of related, re: turn signals:

I had a beautiful black 1988 Cougar XR-7 (I put a lot of work into that car, but RWD and a huge heavy V8 couldn’t save me from New England winters). It had cornering lamps. Pictured here, I guess not every ‘88 had them (An optional lighting package). I wonder why we don’t see those

Not having much luck searching other than this one from AllRecipes.

How do you make it? I’m a bit insipid about adding something that has ingredients I can’t pronounce, to something I’ve been honing for almost 2 decades. Maybe it’s just one of those special occassion things?

Italian dressing is also the key to every pasta salad recipe made by everyone’s aunt.

Cacio e pepe (meaning “cheese and pepper”) is the simplest of dishes where pasta is tossed with Pecorino Romano, pepper, and good olive oil

Fratelli d’Italia!

Bandits would be pretty cool, they could color the arms of the jerseys to match the theme.

The biggest difference between Tolkien and Martin is that Martin spends less time describing the hilt of a sword, or the look of a barrow-wight, and more time fleshing out characters and worlds through events that happen. Being descriptive is fine. But to sit back and describe every single note of flavor in so much

Well you’re in luck! Serious Eats has a recipe for you.

It isn’t much more than modifying a store bought ketchup though. Based on what I could find on gochujang, I think that if you made a scratch version of ketchup that it would mute the flavors in the gochujang quite a bit. A less vocal store bought ketchup - Hunt’s

I bounce back and forth between a few - my girlfriend does Whole30 every other month or so, so I can’t use artificial sweeteners or even honey. A couple re-hydrated figs work really well as replacements, and a lot of those recipes include them as a core ingredient.

I like this recipe from Epicurious. I’ll run the

You are just determined to be grumpy today, aren’t you? Cooking and tasting is about searching out things you like. Writers like Claire - more specifically, blogs like this - aren’t here to handhold you. They’re guiding you along the path.

Look, I’m not on a commission from Gawker/Skillet. But I throw quality posts

If it premieres this winter, I want to try making vanilla/cinnamon chai shakes. I already promised my girlfriend that we’d have beignets w/sidecars of chocolate sauce and creme anglaise.

I love the idea of adding the slightly bitter, herbal liqueur

Immersion blender ketchup is so good you guys. you won’t even miss Heinz. A few things if you don’t already own one of these though: