
Have yourself a read, on my favorite way of cooking: Sous vide.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t keep a clean grill, and it’s as simple as turning a knob and lighting a pilot. Walk away. Steak on the grill. Beer. Walk away. Flip. Walk away. Plate. Walk away. Eat.

You should have a 10 degree increase in temperature through resting thicker cut steaks like these.

125 is the minimum temperature for rare after resting. You can serve closer to 130 if you’re more comfortable though.

Personally, for 1.5-2" steaks, I would look for about 138 degrees as a serving temperature. Variation

But this is straight from the freezer, and convenient. It won’t be as good, no, but cooking a frozen steak via sous vide is going to take a LOT longer, because the frozen meat is going to drop your water temperature that your circulator/machine is going to need to first correct before it can be brought to ideal temp,

I’ll probably get yelled at for this, but if this is one of their paywall recipes, I scraped it to my CopyMeThat page for all my homeSkillets.

I’m gonna shill a little bit here as atonement. SHAME. But if it gets people into the kitchen and doing something fun and new.. it’s a worthy sacrifice for me to make.



Duck for sure, but then I’d be tempted to go with oranges, plums or apricots. I managed to pick up 5lbs of fiddleheads last night, so something needs to happen with those ASAP.

I do cook for a living (part of it), but those potatoes - and a lot of things - are made much easier with a good mandolin or V slicer. Amazon

Yup! Peaches are July/August for New England, so it makes sense that they’d be coming from the southern parts of the country a few months ahead of what we get here seasonally.

I think the sweetness of peaches should be complimented by something savory, and bird would be too bland. Definitely pork. I’m doing grilled

SO GOOD. You could switch it to pear or apple (or both!) and serve it with pork.

I made it for Easter this year and paid through the nose for the figs, but it was totally worth it. The look on my aunt’s face that someone had dethroned her, in her own home, was priceless.

My girlfriend’s uncle has a few trees in CT, so

There is EVERY kind of fruit risotto out there. A lot of them incorporate cheeses and animal broths though, but you can of course substitute those out. I’ve found this blueberry risotto to be good, and you can of course skip the grated cheese if needed.

Fruit risottos are a THING! Crown rack of lamb with fig risotto is one of my “show off” meals.

For newcomers to the rice game, risotto seems daunting, but it really isn’t so bad! It is absolutely worth the time spent stirring. Alton Brown had an awesome episode with an even more awesome recipe for the dish. If you’re

The Spirit E-210 won the last time this was done, IIRC, and is strongly recommended by any outlet worth their salt for a propane grill. Unless you need the additional space - which trust me, you probably don’t - skip the Genesis series. Also, avoid buying it at Home Depot - they offer their own version of the grill

The recipe or the vodka? I’m partial to Tito’s, but the Kirkland label is surprisingly good.

Both the pizza quest and hedge maze in Zoda’s Revenge broke me as a child.

Amazing games. I still have the Nintendo Power issue with StarTropics as the headline game/guide - awesome little bits of artwork in there!

I can’t speak for the vegan crusts, but for graham cracker or cookie based crusts - you gotta go with the King.

As much as I love Oreos (some might remember a previous rant), they really don’t work well as a crust base. The cookie itself does though, which is why many recipes and I recommend chocolate wafer cookies in

When the whole eggs come along
Sep-er-ate them
Egg whites in a chilled bowl
You must whip them
Fold back into the yolks
Then you pour them

Now heat them!
Cover it!
Wait 3 minutes!
Try to be patient!
It’s not time yet!
Now eat em!
Eat those eggs!

*funny hats ensue*

Eggs are fickle! I get shit on at work for not being able to fry an egg over easy, and it took me for-ev-er to learn how to poach. But as soon as I drop eggs into a bowl and start whisking for an omelette it’s like an epic rap battle is about to start, and hushed whispers come over the crowd. I’m not kidding, there’s

The heat transfer when covered switches radiant and direct contact with the bottom of the pan. This allows the whites to poof up - which is the technical term here - and deliver the fluffy goodness that you whipped into them, while cooking the yolky bits - again, very technical - via contact. There is a bit of

You already know who I am

I said “steak and cheese” to some PA friends maybe a week after we had met. I was almost lynched.

They’re REALLY good, and that is a problem for the arteries of America. And the burgers aren’t as tight, so the cheese drips into the little meaty crevices and I drool and then eat 5 and I am the cholesterol, Randy.