
Same reason Jesus is. Sensationalistic headlines linking to somewhat related articles. Although Drudge plays to the right and far right, so his audience is a bit wider.

I'm pretty sure you're missing the dripping sarcasm coming off his post. You can see it congealed at the bottom if you look closely.

Until some jackass calls in a bomb threat to clear the hotel.

Look up Slender Man.

Healthy society is the key term there. We are nowhere near a healthy society. There are people that will kill you. Understand that, and then contemplate whether or not your will to live is greater than your apprehension towards taking a human life that means to do you harm. While sitting in front of your computer,


That is awesome... thanks for the laugh!

If the pervert was under his management (which he was), and he helped to cover up the whole affair (which, by his silence, he did), then, yeah... responsible.

Holy shit, you are the lord of the trolls.

How terribly, terribly misguided you are. I'm not putting you down. I just feel really sad for you.

Yeah, it just happened to go off and hit the guy filming. Whoopsy, should've checked the safety.

The sensors are rejects (for quality) from the Epic. Which, as Stu Maschwitz so elegantly stated, makes the Scarlet Epic's retarded little brother.

I imagine this thread as being read by Andy Rooney.

My father-in-law worked for Kraft for 35 years. He was 2 years away from retirement. They laid him off and replaced him with a 27-year-old and now he doesn't have a pension. What do you say to someone like him? "Oh, quit bitching, go out and find a job". Why don't you send me the information on the company that's

It makes me sick to see this. Do you realize that there's a reported 9.1% unemployment rate in this country? Did you know they only count people who have applied for jobs in the last month, and that the rate is actually closer to 20%? I wish you would tell us where all these jobs were, because then maybe my

You should read it. It's a great short story, and the author takes all of this into account. Hopefully, WB will find a good director/writing team/editor to make the movie as good as it can be.


Yeah, because noone's ever lost a job through no fault of their own. And there are SO MANY jobs just waiting for those who lost their jobs... You're a dick. I'll gladly take the banning if it means I can tell you what a complete douchebag you are.

Until, you know, they run out of ammo and gas. Oh, and food. If you read the story, it isn't the entire Marine Corps. But, hey, way to go on your thorough analysis.

Yeah, you can actually replace all the parts from any Apple product with the right tools and instructions. Coincidentally, all of that can be found at ifixit.com.