There’s a distinct lack of Japanese VNs in this list that are more similar to DDLC than almost everything in this list.
There’s a distinct lack of Japanese VNs in this list that are more similar to DDLC than almost everything in this list.
this is an awful take, quality matters more than branding
Does Kotaku have any plans to read any of the bigger, well known, Japanese VNs? It seems like the discussions here are mostly centered around Western forays into the medium.
Your insane zeal against trolls, real and perceived, completely derails and sets the tone of these comment sections. I think you need to calm it down like 5 notches. The ratio of comments you’ve made butting in to rant about trolls to actual thoughts is completely out of whack.
This is a non-apology. They’re keeping restrictions in place, the share button doesn’t work, and they’re honestly trying to pretend they weren’t threatening copyright strikes with wording like this?
Please remember that not everyone making a critical remark is a troll.
This is truly a bizarre article for bizarre times.
Do you post this on every article? I swear I see this all the time.
I agree that you should be civil, so it sounds like we’re on the same page there.
I have a HDMI capture card and am also banned from using my external device to stream the game. So, the “share feature” isn’t relevant to me.
The all or nothing part is just not wanting this to become a precedent. I mean, if Atlus did it without any pushback, why would any company, hungry for control over the message, allow any of their game to be streamed outside of Approved Youtube Promoters or whatever.
True, but unless you give your feedback to Atlus US, they won’t have any ammo to provide the mothership for next time. Sort of a “well, last time you tried this, we got all this angry email...maybe the customers don’t *want* to be arbitrarily restricted!”
There’s lots of games I don’t like to stream and are more fun by yourself.
It’s not a leak if the game has been out since September and is already past its launch date everywhere else as well.
This is a flawed premise. Atlus certainly knew about the restrictions but didn’t post them until *launch day*, giving no one a chance to adjust their preorder / purchasing plans. Even if it wasn’t their decision, it was communicated veeery poorly.
I mean, I streamed Persona 4 super casually about a year ago. I would not have enjoyed the game had I not streamed it. Having people suggest social links to do / react to scenes made the boring slice of life stuff way more fun.
It’s super entitled to not purchase a piece of media because you disagree with their stance on streaming? In what world should I give a company my money if I don’t approve of how they conduct business.
They made no such statement. There was no end date on their announcement. This is a control freak issue, and it hurts casual streamers way more than full-time streamers.
Before you make a dumb comment decrying big name youtube / twitch LPers, remember that some people stream because it’s fun and because they want to share their experiences with their friends.
But...Myst was good. And it’s sequel, Riven, is AMAZING and pretty much nothing like the Witness other than there are places in which you solve puzzles.