
I understood the engine was going to be 75 liter double helix 50 cylinder. Finally the VAG can use all the old Audi 5 cylinder engines they have in the spare bedroom.

My first car, 1994 Mazda Protégé. My mom backed into and smashed a marker light and the front left quarter. I actually removed the quarter and beat out the dent with a soft hammer and got a new marker light for $15. Why spend $150 on a fender when the car cost less than a grand. lol

3 reasons to never pity Doug

As an owner of an HHR SS yes I did. I was coming from a 2 seater pickup truck and wanted something with a back seat, 4 doors, was good on gas, had some room to haul some things, and was also sporty and had some pickup. The HHR SS fit all those requirements. With the GM Stage kit installed I get nearly 300HP but still

To driven by some mid 30s, stay at home mom, who blames the manager she when her greek salad has 1 to many pieces of chicken on it, with this hair cut.

i’m pretty sure part of the reason i’m a jalop is the sheer amount of time spent in greenfield village as a kid...

i still say

Nice list but I prefer my combination

Next up: the Detroit Lions.

On my last flight on United I noticed something. I went to choose my seat upon booking and the emergency exit rows were not available for departure or returning flights. I figured somebody else must have grabbed them first.

Or they used rebates to hide the difference. On a new car you can use manufacturer incentives to eat up negative equity. Your car traded for fair market value but if they gave you more they still internally set up the price for a lower ACV (actual cash value) so they can remarket it correctly. Becuase let’s face it,

The older C-class used to have a retractable screen and some years of the A4 and other Audis do as well. I still prefer a dash that was designed with the screen taken into account because I always have mine on. Vehicles with infotainment systems even have the radio controls on the screen so unless you plan to ride in

This car is so sexy I want to text it awkwardly for a few days before driving around with it for like 30 minutes deciding on where to eat and then slowly lose communication with it after dinner until I see it again a few months later when it’s somehow engaged

If you were that dealer then you would be wrong on all accounts.