
You should try this.

Look, what you’re looking for is a lager or some form of golden ale; the kind of beer that’s relatively low alcohol and extremely drinkable.

$2500.00 escorts seem to be a sore subject around Gawker Media today.

I am struggling to fathom how a clearly intelligent person wasted this much of his own life rationalizing this fucking band. Now I am trying to rationalize why I read the whole damn article too.

What is “No Way In Hell” Alex?

Anything that makes you happy.... because your Ex was not able to...

in elementary school, i was a runt. tiny, skinny, and awkward. On top of that we were poor and i didnt have name brand clothes or shoes. One guy, “tim” the cool kid used to constantly pick on me and knock me down and embarrass me. Luckily we went to different middle schools, at which time i hit puberty, and got up to