
My couple of youtube channel has been suspended for no reason, wrote them but reply was just like automated which i already received upon suspension in my mail. I was here to find any youtube alternate but disappointed , there isn’t . Anybody know a youtube alternate ?

This idea really blows me away...

lots of words... little substance

since when is the middle class "fatcats" lol

"It sounds like a great prank to the other middle class white collar fatcats who show up here."

Quite the opposite. I bend over backwards to the staff of any fastfood establishment/restaurant that I frequent. I generally go at the same times of day, so I get to know all my cashiers, waiters, etc. I'm a creature of habit. I chat em up and treat em nice, and tip very well. All cause I want my food to be absent

I would agree with you if there were some sign of contempt for the employees in this prank, but that's not what it's about.

jesus christ, mother. give it a rest. we get it, you are 100% total anti-bully and you stand out with picket signs and chant at rally's and such. but you're doing the same shit to him by ripping him apart. HEY, U R BULLY CUZ U DONT HAVE MY VIEW. BUT NOW I SAY I HOPE UR BOSS FUCKS W/U.... BUT IM NOT! A BULLY.... at

This is old as shit. I used to listen to a morning radio DJ prank Chinese restaurants with this same scheme when I was school in 1998.

They will come around, eventually, just like LH did with my concerns about google and FB.

They're not hard to find with a DuckDuckGo search, but I would have expected links to all of these alternative services.

How about options hosted outside the USA by non-US entities for those of us inside who want to make data gathering as difficult as possible for the USA government?

No, but I'm assuming you should not support someone just because they oppose SOPA and you don't know what the other companies' position is.

Two out of the eight services feature are Microsoft. Did you even look at the article?

I can't wait for the antitrust investigation to start.

Does anyone else have a problem with their Gmail contacts having all this information pushed to them? That really really bothers me. I don't want someone who I've talked to once through Craigslist finding out everything about me just because they know my e-mail address.

Remember when "Google Search" was just Google?

I'm confused. Does this new integration make my Google+ content available just to me for my searches or to anyone who searches about me?

If by "your friends" they mean " a few random Google employees and a couple of Android hackers" then they have accurately summarized this new feature for me.

I'm going to point out that duckduckgo features all those other search engines,