
What does render speed have to do with the network speed? A lot actually, but zero in the scope of this conversation. They* are referring to the render speed of competing browsers assuming all other variables are equal.

'Faster" is relative here. Does it really matter if it loads page x 20 milliseconds faster than Chrome or Opera? Not in the slightest to me. I need to be comfortable with the operation, look, and feel of the browser I use, especially when this "20%" turns out to equate to loading a page 4ms faster.

I went and looked at Sleepy Time Lite thinking it was an alarm app, I find the default Android alarm slightly lacking and Gentle Alarm Clock extreme overkill for an alarm clock. So, I saw quickly this wasn't what I was thinking so I left quickly.

Wrestled in high school. For years after that I could amaze people by wrestling tough guys down and ruining their day as they tried to swing roundhouse punches from their backs. It usually didn't end well for them. I hardly had to throw any punches since the back of their head was going nowhere because of the concrete

Sure it is. So is the antenna on my neighbor's roof that he installed in 1971.

First hit on google when I copied ""binder clip" stand used for turn-by-turn navigation" straight from your post: [www.google.com]

That post confirms to me that you have not the slightest idea how Google Voice even works.

You have a google voice phone number that you forward from? And this can be forwarded to skype or other VOIP apps? In my GV interface mine is shown so I'm guessing you need a number?

Likely because your tablet is not capable of making phone calls? Heh

Lawsuit? LOL! They aren't violating any criminal laws or civil contracts.

When the user expressly says "OK" when the fake AV asks to install no legit anti-virus app is going to help.

It's 100% useless because it will not grab any extra monitors you have. A year ago I tried pretty much every screenshot utility out there and only Fastone* actually got the other monitor in multi display setups. That is, until purrint updated to fix this issue a few weeks later.

It most certainly is considering purrint uses 184kb.

The reason for having it save as a file automatically is so you dont have to paste it somewhere right then, you can do whatever you need anytime not just when its on your clipboard.

The idea of pasting into an app and tinkering with screenshots just seems so cumbersome.

I guess that joke about the TSA not knowing what soap was went over your head a bit eh?

I've pocket dialed more than I care to discuss. Also created an alarm once with a 25 character jibberish name. Another time I was one touch away from buying a shower curtain on Amazon.

Hasn't been released yet. Still in beta.

They are those small square scented tissues that destroy your lint screen and the lining of the exhaust pipe to the outside.

The TSA would not recognize the soap and do bad things to your luggage.