
I would say having a naked dead woman in his apartment brought out the worst in Victor. D: The writing & acting are good enough that I'm not filled with loathing every time I see him onscreen, but ugh. This show is so great at showing different ways men can be creepy, yet still have potentially redeeming

I think she's just cocky (see: teenager)

Wait did Vanessa meet her? I thought it was just Victor & Lily. Vanessa was the one who told Ethan who Hecate is; I'd hope even on a bad day she'd put that together.

Yeah, totally not true to reality

The inspector's already suspicious of him, & would notice if the one survivor went missing.

He hasn't been demonstrating a good deal of foresight lately; if he's thought about his legacy, he probably figured Evil Red Murderess would work something out

I'm bummed about the beard, too, but dude. Shireen's screams might haunt me for a while (speaking of good casting…)

I like the idea of never meeting her - I'm guessing that, if she's still alive, she's nowhere near London. If you rewatch "Seance," Lyle has a few funny lines about his wife, e.g. telling Vanessa to go look for her by the punch bowl (so he can whisk Malcolm away), & then afterward, the way he tossed out that line

This is my favorite part of the whole review; thank you

Miss Hecate Poole. And I thought Victor would've heard about Ethan meeting Hecate ("those are not sensible shoes," swoon) - meaning he would've recognized the name - but I guess not…