Fuck small cars

Came here to write this.


I appreciate the compliment. I tried my best while on the tele-conference. And, I am sure I missed some of the related performance metrics.   


A loaded V8 Citadel will easily hit $55k.

Escalade / Yukon are 420 hp vs 475 for the Durango.

That’s one giant :custom” S class. Or is Bernie really that small?

pretty sure he doesn’t weigh 4500 lbs.

yes it was a fairly recent experience. Lincoln Navigator L. Service.

Just highlighting / summarizing the statement made by a lot of folks. and rightly so.

You are mostly correct, it was well within our budget, which was defined on the basis of what I thought should be spent on a baby hauler. And she knew it and agreed with it cent per cent.

I gifted my wife a “vehicle” for Valentine’s day. Many moons ago.

I loved it. I absolutely loved it. IMO, you don;t really need a LS3. But that’s just me.

Yes boss.

ALso Intercity has been the best experience ever.


When my wife got pregnant, we went to the local MB dealer and grabbed the car seat and stroller out of her GL-450 and (somehow) managed to fit the stroller in the trunk and the car seat in the middle of the rear seat and I fit my wife and the sales gal on either side.

And I’ll agree with you cent per cent.

You could be right.

Correct, beware of rotors maintenance.