Fuck small cars

When I found my dream car:

correct on MB seats.

So W204 C63 was offered with 451 HP and the AMG development package P31 bumped it to 481 and increment of 30 hp and the 507 edition bumped it to umm 507 hp. 26 hp increment.

I guess I didn’t read the entire article.

I am looking at the RAM ecodiesel a well. Mainly because I would like to be in a much bigger vehicle as my commute snakes thru rural undivided highways. And 1500 EcoDiesel has a pretty good resale. 

Disappointed in answers / choices.

There was this one guy, my parents tell me about all the time.

I thought they already come with one. At least my C63 P31 does anyway.

Expect to pay top dollars. for this.

On my Passat TDI 6M:

unfortunately, they are being super serious. At least the fucking South Indians are Call me racist.

I commute shitloads - 30k miles / yr.

you are right, you couldn’t.

The new car I “need” to buy right now:

I hope someone can do a comparison between the following


your mom should know the answer to that. Just sayin’ ;)

If he really enjoys his daily routine and public service so much, he can let that property go for $50MM as offered, and buy 2-3 gas stations in california / florida at prime locations and still have $10-20MM in bank.

“Since modern Turkey’s original transition to democracy since 1945, it has suffered coups in 1960, 1971, 1980, and 1997.

oh thanks.