57th Street Incident

I always figured while watching Justified that the thing McDonough does with his arms was a byproduct of the Taxi Driver pistol in his sleeve, but now I'm thinking it's something he does as a villain.

It's Hedley.

He was supposed to play the first gay character in Star Trek (Lt. Hawk) but the plot line was written out and he just got assimilated by the Borg instead. In Justified he was debatably gay, but possibly just dealing with childhood trauma by assaulting rent boys. That's all I can think of.

Why are you doing our politically conservative high school's shamefully outdated fight rap?

Well, they lost me at 'Lehigh University produced a football player of quality'. There aren't any other schools in Bethlehem PA right?


Figured he'd use his safe word as his computer password.

Yeah I think it was intended to be Kumail. Hence what I believe to be a "Man with the Golden Gun" reference.

And we couldn't have had TWS without Community Season 4…I'm conflicted.

This just in! Bruce Springsteen has released a new remastered and extended version of his 1978 classic album "Darkness On The Edge Of Town", including new song "This Is Your Sword".

Yeah, I saw that (after posting, but hindsight is always 20/20). I kinda wish he'd been at the back of the chapel, rolling his eyes.

Another loose end that bothers me and probably no one else: Is Quarles dead?

I don't know about calling this episode poor (and let's be honest, an AV Club B- is poor by Community's standard), but perhaps because I was laughing so hard throughout. I especially appreciated how they pointed out the absurdity of certain episodes when deprived of context (your one friend disappearing on a boat

Well referencing a 45 year-old medium-quality Zeppelin song isn't going to be super common. On the other hand, they DID name a character Roy Harper.

That was a hell of an ending, and I've been holding this joke in for far too long:

Nearly took down Hannibal, so I figure he'll nearly take down Raylan while he's at it.

I say the only episode with more heart-pounding consistency was probably Decoy back in Season 4. About the third commercial break tonight I was thinking "I wonder if AVClub attaches pluses to their A's".

I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

Yeah, I saw the article title and at first thought it was an upcoming thing they were doing, not the episode I'd just watched!