
GTO, stainless steel, gullwing doors, mounds of cocaine. There can be no other.

Ooh, I'm so scared of you and your 85 hp. We had these in the town where I grew up. Many of them were totalled under mysterious circumstances. They were purchased to replace the 1976-77 440 Gran Furys. Needless to say, when the Fairmonts were replaced, MOPAR was back in town with the 318 Diplomats.

Is $730 the cost for the lap or the dance?

It isn't quite the same without the ladies.

So the new format does away with credit for tips? [jalopnik.com]

@ChiefPontiaxe: ROCK ON!!! I always got a kick out of this little car.

But mine will be armed with a paintball mini-gun and have a huge Blues Brothers loudspeaker broadcasting an endless loop playback of "Ride of the Valkyries" and James Earl Jones yelling "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

The guys at the (micro) factory are extremely welcoming and if you sent someone down to Chandler, AZ for one of their "Burgers, Cars &..." events on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

You'd think somebody would have turned off the fuel pump first!

I live a stone's throw away from the former GM Desert Proving Grounds in Mesa. When word came down that it was moving to Yuma it seemed that it would make a great automotive "country club" with on-site storage for vehicles, commercial/private air access literally across the street, and no neighbors to complain. Now

Couldn't tell through the dark tint if she/he's a fan or self-identifying.

1972 TC125.

@57sweptside: More photos of the factory here:

Now playing

I live near the factory and went to the open house. I was somewhat skeptical, but I think they're on to something here. They're a little rough around the edges, but far more finished than a sand rail. And isn't that what the target demographic is looking for? This jump is #001 (the one with the BMW diesel).

The guy who made this video has a pretty cool one about a drifting weekend.

P.S. Belvedere for the WIN!