Disappointment reservoirs.
Disappointment reservoirs.
Sorry, I’ll take the RC-F looks before I’ll take the Supra and that shitty front end....
HP won’t pull a front end loader on a flatbed up to Eisenhower tunnel.
Am I the crazy one that think it’s not a very good looking car?
Fixed it.
It looks pretty good but the A Class sedan looks better IMO
That was a clip of the 2010 video below, taken at a Denver, Colorado concert. The age of consent in Colorado? 17. The TOTAL lack of fact-checking is what allows shit like this to spread so damn much.
And a 95 Jetta would be worth more than scrap metal.
If the FF movies had any effect on car sales then the Mitsubishi Eclipse should be selling for at least $50k
who was forced to? He asked. We can discuss how that’s still unprofessional and/or disgusting, but not a single woman was “forced” to watch him do anything
The proportions of the Pontiac just don’t work right. However, the Mercury Cougar Bugatti body kit (which keeps the doors/windows/windshield) would fool most non-enthusiasts.
I wish people would drop the charade of calling this thing a “Toyota” or a “Supra.” It’s an ugly Z4 coupe.
Despite being completely different, this car reminds me of the Corvette Cerv III concept car.
Fact: The best non-gated manual shifter setup is the Volvo “Spaceball” on the S60R and V70R starting in the mid-’00s.
The vast majority of SUVs can’t do any of that, and the ones that can are not in the price range of a single vehicle family.
The lack of the best hot pursuit intro from both the article and the comments is making me judge everyone’s age. Hot Pursuit 2.
You say “dad” like it’s an insult, but I’ll take it as a complement. I wear headphones at least 8 hours a day (I’m a programmer working in &#$*&*$&*#$*! cube farm). Wireless ear buds (even Apple’s) suck. [1] They don’t block outside noise [2] they are not comfortable for many people [3] Bluetooth audio is garbage [4]…
Ummm...you do realise that when you use a headphone jack you’re still listening to the same shitty mp3, just run through a DAC to convert it to an analog signal that the headphones can read, right?