Pay for the ticket, waste the time getting to the stadium, and then walking out. Yeah that will show them.......Next time stop buying tickets.
Pay for the ticket, waste the time getting to the stadium, and then walking out. Yeah that will show them.......Next time stop buying tickets.
Considering how quickly the NY Times walked back the new allegations, maybe Biden is actually the smart one here.
1969? Really?
The response sounds fine to me.
This is why Biden will be the nominee, he has some sense. Ford was clearly lying or confused and the hearings proved that out. The new allegations don’t rise above a frat prank and the vetting done on Kavanaugh since the beginning of his career has been thorough and voluminous.
Still no mention on Splinter of UAW executive leadership getting rolled up in corruption charges? 7 convictions and counting. The current and past president are both implicated. This should have a huge affect on the contract talks as how can the rank and file trust what’s being negotiated for them when they know…
Unionized auto workers are the laziest pieces of shit ever. Fuck that noise, they get paid far fucking enough. The bailout in 2008 was at least partially due to the ridiculous pensions and salaries these motherfuckers get.
Ship these jobs to Mexico to keep the illegals from coming to America.
The long decline of American labor is liberally salted with strikes that seem like temporary victories, but inevitably result in the flushing of jobs right down the overseas toilet. How do you plan to compete with overseas workers that will do the same jobs for a fraction of the cost?
Deadspin has to be the most worthless piece of crap, bias news site alive. Your writers suck and you obviously hate Drew Brees as this is your second flame piece on him. I hope your butt hole prolapses.